Wine Cellar in Dining Room

Home showcase: In vino veritas

A fabulous wine wall serves as a sophisticated highlight to a Hampton Hall home infused with inspired details.

Story by Barry Kaufman + Photos by Kelli Boyd

Winemaking is an art of precision. The temperature must be just right, the dew point just so, the acidity of the soil to within exacting detail for the grape to truly flourish. And even with the greatest fruit in hand that vine will ever yield, crafting it into something extraordinary relies on painstaking care and precision: age the wine too long or not long enough, in too dry or humid a cellar, and the spell will be broken.

Creating an extraordinary home is similarly exacting. The Hampton Hall home you see here is a perfect example. 

“In every room we took extra care with all of the trim detailing – from the herringbone chevron pattern trim in the study to the beam in the great room,” said custom home builder Ron Boshaw, head of Boshaw Residential, who built this Court Atkins-designed home. 

With interior design by Sara Boyles of Kelly Caron Designs, the home’s breathtaking details come together, like a fine wine, for a complex and robust splash of visual panache. 

Vintner’s vision 

One of the most compelling highlights of the home is the wine wall that dominates one end of the open kitchen. Custom built, this display can hold 300 bottles of delicate whites and bold reds in the absolute pinnacle of temperature and humidity, preserving each delicious drop.

“Wine cabinets are an art of their own, and the space where they wanted to display it was very prominent,” said Boshaw. Framing the Wine Enthusiast racking system are custom iron doors crafted by Salt Marsh Metalworks and Lowcountry Shelving and Glass, designed in collaboration with Boshaw and Boyles. But the true magic lies behind the walls, a product of Boshaw’s attention to detail. “In order to maintain humidity and temperature, you have to use special mildew-proof drywall, add close foam insulation around the studs and ensure every part of the installation is tightly sealed.”

Open Kitchen and Dining room with wine cellar wall

Creative symmetry 

The placement of the wine wall in the kitchen necessitated some quick thinking in order to create a cohesive look across an open space that incorporates the dining room and kitchen. 

“The idea was to keep this whole space bright and airy, and that’s why the window is there, to bring in some light,” said Boshaw. “That leaves it somewhat asymmetrical when you look at the hood, so we had to get creative.” 

Changing the width of the floating cabinets on either side of the decorative hood created a sense of balance, evening out the room’s look.

Foyer with staircase and big planter

A grand entrance 

One nod to the home’s open and airy aesthetic also creates a dramatic sight before entering the home – the grand central staircase, winding up and across the front windows. 

“The owners wanted to really display that staircase from the front. Frequently in today’s design trend you’ll see the stairs somewhat tucked away, but the client wanted that traditional look,” said Boshaw. “Technically, it’s a floating staircase. But by designing it this way, we are able to show the railing and the beauty of the staircase from the outside.”

Built in bunk beds and bench along windows

Built-in beauty 

The on-site expertise of Boshaw Residential’s trim carpenter is on stunning display in the upstairs bunk room, which boasts dual twin beds built on the premises. 

“We designed and built the bunks to fit the space, adding the drawers for storage as well as the window seat,” said Boshaw. Again we see the attention to detail driving the design, with a cantilevered edge on the bed frames not only adding visual interest but also creating space for twin mattresses against the wall. “The whole thing was really fun to make.”

Soft coastal palette for Master Bedroom

Subtle splendor 

The attention given to trim throughout the home also added visual flair in the form of this paneled accent wall, created to lend a subtle touch of luxury to the owner’s suite.

“The owner views their master bedroom as an area to relax and sleep and not as a place where they wanted to lose a lot of square footage,” said Boshaw. “So we simplified the space but added a panel wall to give it some visual appeal.”

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