Official Mensa® Challenge – December 2022

Are you ready for Mensa?

American Mensa is where brilliance belongs – it’s where friendships are forged for life, business connections and opportunities are made, and where brilliant minds find the chance to engage with others in an intellectually stimulating environment.

Just for LOCAL Life readers: Take the Mensa Practice Test for just $5! Visit and use offer code: Local21

1. Find the word that fits the definitions below when it’s 1) a whole word and 2) divided into two separate words.

1) Whole word: reveal

2) Two words: a. a recording item b. misplace


2. Find a six-digit number in which the third digit is two less than the first, the fourth digit is two less than the second and the last digit is five less than the first. The sum of the fifth and six digits equals the first and the sum of all digits is 39.

3. A truism is coiled in the grid below. To spell it out, start with one letter and move to an adjacent letter in any direction. (Hints: Start with an “M.”)

4. Find the number that best completes the following sequence.

1 2 _ 5 8 13


5. Make your way from TALL to MINI in only six steps, changing one letter at a time to make a common English word at each step.


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  1. 1) disclose 2) a. disc b. lose
  2. 987,654
  3. Money may not be the most important thing, but everything else is in second place.
  4. 3 (1 + 2 = 3, 2 + 3 = 5, 3 + 5 = 8, 5 + 8 = 13)
  5. TALL, MALL, MILL, MILE, MINE, MINI (There may be other ways.)

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