Toys Every Kid Wanted in the 1950s

Life was much simpler before the bridge came to Hilton Head Island in the 1950s. So were the toys children played with. Here are a few simple treasures that stood the test of time along with their 2019 value, just so you can kick yourself for throwing yours away.

Original Blonde Barbie Doll

1959 Original Blonde Barbie Doll

The original Barbie was introduced in 1959. Sporting a ‘50s-style white and black strapless swimsuit, golden blonde hair and vibrant red lips, she’s not much different from today’s Barbie. 2019 value: Around $4,000

Roy Rogers and Bullet Action FigureRoy Rogers and Bullet Action Figure

Gone but never forgotten, Roy Rogers lives on in his movies and action figures. 2019 value: Vintage figures of him, Trigger and the lot for around $250

Moko Lesney Matchbox CarsMoko Lesney Matchbox Cars

Like Lincoln Logs, Matchbox cars could leave your mom in a mood like nothing else. These cars are perfect for collectors. 2019 value: Around $150

Howdy Doody MonkeyHowdy Doody Monkey

If you watched any Howdy Doody episodes in the ‘50s you’d know that Zippy was a popular guest star. Zip dolls boomed in popularity after Zippy appeared on the show. 2019 value: Around $100

1950s Chiltern Hug-Me Teddy Bear1950s Chiltern Hug-Me Teddy Bear

Another popular toy in the ‘50s was the much loved Chiltern Hug-Me Teddy Bear. Its distinctive cuddly fur makes it the quintessential teddy bear. 2019 value: Around $170

Lincoln LogsLincoln Logs

Like Legos, Lincoln Logs are still timeless favorites today. Moms are forever thankful for the messes they leave on the floor. 2019 value: Around $60

Fisher Price Corn PopperCorn Popper

Can you hear that sound? Wheel your way back to childhood in the ‘50s with an early version of the Fisher Price Corn Popper. 2019 value: Around $30

Original Mr. Potato HeadOriginal Mr. Potato Head

Before the 1960s, back when people didn’t realize the health risks of playing with your food, Mr. Potato Head was intended to be used with actual vegetables. 2019 value: Around $120



In the 1930s, Play-Doh was originally intended to be used as wallpaper cleaner. By 1956 it was in stores as modelling clay for kids. 2019 value: You probably won’t be able to find the actual dough, but the original cans are around $30

Mickey Mouse Roly Poly FigureMickey Mouse Roly Poly Figure

Walt Disney created many icons and Mickey Mouse was no exception. Mickey Mouse Roly Polys were very popular in the ‘50s. 2019 value: Around $30

Mobley Cat Squeaky ToyMobley Cat Squeaky Toy

In the 1950s, Mobley Cat squeaky toys were almost as popular as the real thing, but you never had to worry about these toys scratching you. 2019 value: Around $60

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