Dog eating food off the counter

How to keep your dog from being food-aggressive 

Paw patrol

Mealtime should be a happy occasion, but sometimes dogs can get a bit defensive about their food and treats. Food aggression can be a serious issue that leads to uncomfortable moments for you, your dog, other pets and other family members. Here’s what Hilton Head Humane suggested on how to prevent food aggression and how to deal with food-aggressive dogs: 

  • Avoid removing your dog’s food and treats until they have walked away.
  • If there is more than one dog in the household, meals and treats may need to be fed separately to avoid issues.
  • Let your dog be used to your presence while eating. Stand near your dog and talk to them while they eat.
  • Keep a consistent mealtime if possible: same time, same place, same bowl, same food and so on.
  • Make mealtimes a positive experience with a positive, upbeat attitude, treats and/or affection.

Other tips 

  • Feed your dog in a peaceful, quiet room, free from threats and disturbances.
  • Be kind and considerate around food. Let your dog know he can eat in peace and safety.
  • Hand-feed your dog.

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