Official Mensa® Challenge – January 2025
Are you ready for Mensa?
American Mensa is where brilliance belongs – it’s where friendships are forged for life, business connections and opportunities are made, and where brilliant minds find the chance to engage with others in an intellectually stimulating environment. Just for LocalLife readers: Take the Mensa Practice Test for just $5! Visit and use offer code: Local21. Quiz © 2018 Dr. Abbie F. Salny
Mensa provides official tests and answers to LOCAL Life as part of an exclusive license agreement.
1. Fill in each blank below with a word that has the same meaning as the words on either side but is pronounced differently for each definition.
consisting of a black substance _________ to delay
agreement _________ to shrink
two-wheeled vehicle _________ sulked
2. Jennifer went shopping for birthday presents. She spent half of what she had, plus $5, for a blouse; then half of what was left, plus $5, for a cookbook; then half of what was left, plus $5, for stationery. Jennifer had nothing left. How much did she start with? (Hint: work backwards.)
3. Some letters have been removed from the following words. Fill in the missing letters.
_ W K W _ _ _ _ _ O P H _ _ E S _ _ _ _ G T H
4. In a murder mystery, the Great Detective is found with three suspects: an American journalist, a bilingual French writer and a British TV writer. The threating note says “I know about your crime in Livorno.” Who wrote the note?
5. Unscramble the letters in each “pie” segment below, then find the missing letter that completes each word. (The missing letter, indicated by the question mark, is the same for each word.)
1. tarry, contract, moped
2. $70 ($70 ÷ 2 = $35 + $5 = $40, leaving $30; ÷ 2 = $15 + $5 = $20, leaving $10; ÷ 2 = $5 + $5, leaving 0)
4. the Frenchman (The others would have written Leghorn.)
5. The missing letter is “X”: EXIST (or EXITS), EXTRA, ANXIOUS, MAXIM